Review: We Jace you a Clary Xmas

We Jace you a Clary Xmas by Cassandra Clare.
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I absolutely loved this!!! We have short chapters of clace. Any Clace shipper would die to read this book. 8 chapters! 

The first chapter is of Jace and Clary's meeting from Isabelle's POV. You could literally see Jace falling in love with Clary at first sight. He couldn't even kill a demon because he was too busy staring at Clary ( He did kill it at the end, but he got hurt killing a little demon and that says something since he's the best shadowhunter of his age).

 The second chapter was Jace's POV of their first kiss at her birthday in the greenhouse and to say Jace is and was crazy about her would be right. The third chapter was from City of Ashes, where Seelie Queen does all Clace shipper a favour. It was from Jace's POV, and It's my favourite chapter from the entire book. Jace's thoughts during that scene made my heart melt and break at the same time. It hit me right in the feels. Cassie literally named the chapter Because it is Bitter. He was so bitter in it, but well Herondale charm stays with you.

The fourth one was from the scene that takes place outside Wayland Manor in City of Glass, and the fact that Cassie extended it was even better and well it was from Jace's POV too. The fifth was Jace's POV on the alleyway kiss in the Fallen Angel. I liked that chapter, but well I didn't like Fallen Angels book as a whole so well it was okay for me. I mean after City of Glass, the whole plot of City of Fallen Angels looked bland to me. The sixth was a bonus scene in Lord of Shadows, and I absolutely loved it. I think its position should have been switched with seventh since it takes place after the first proposal and well the time-line was going well. The seventh and the eighth chapter are Clace first and second marriage proposal and well, we've already read it. Still, I can't get tired of the fact that Clary proposed to Jace with a Seraph Blade.

We should get a book like this for Will and Tessa or Magnus and Alec. I mean Cassie gave me the best gift of all time with this book. Every Clace shipper should definitely read this. 


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