
Showing posts from May, 2022

Books I relate to Harry's House

Harry Styles just released his 3rd studio Album Harry's House , and I am addicted and hooked. First of all, On Spotify's Global Top 50 hits, all 13 of Harry's House songs rank 1-13, and as of now, he has 14 songs on the list out of 50 spots (Yes, I am feeling very proud.) Second, I haven't stopped listening to the songs since they were released. On the first listen, Little Freaks and Matilda were my favourite songs because as soon as I heard them one after another, I cried like I literally bawled my eyes out for 2 hrs playing these 2 on a loop. Then all the upbeat songs hit, and I swear I have whiplash from the mood swings.  I was reading Something Wilder by Christina Lauren before listening to the album, and when I related that book to a song on the album, I tried to figure out more books that I relate to the album, so here we go with this post.  1. MUSIC FOR A SUSHI RESTAURANT -  THE LOVE HYPOTHESIS BY ALI HAZELWOOD I am not going to lie; out of all the songs, this wa