
Escape by Emma Egglestone | Review

SYNOPSIS: Laila is Richardsville High's quirky girl. She's just biding her time until graduation when she has an unusual encounter with Matty, the all-American boy next door. When Matty and Laila start to talk, he shares a secret with her. He's a part of a clinical study for a medication called effugium, and it can really transport him to other places and times. Will Laila trust Matty enough to try the effugium? AUTHOR: Emma Egglestone Escape by Emma Egglestone is a book about two teenagers, Laila and Matty. Both have their own set of problems to face even though they had seemingly a "perfect" childhood. They use the drug Effugium to escape to other scenarios. Also, I want to issue a Trigger Warning in this book about Depression, Anxiety, and Drug-misuse (Anti-depressants.) Both Laila and Matty's characters were highly relatable because mostly the books I have read have a relatable lead, but their story isn't. But with Laila and Matty, the introductions of

Six of Crows| Review

AUTHOR: LEIGH BARDUGO SYNOPSIS : Ketterdam: a bustling hub of international trade where anything can be had for the right price—and no one knows that better than criminal prodigy Kaz Brekker. Kaz is offered a chance at a deadly heist that could make him rich beyond his wildest dreams. But he can’t pull it off alone. . . .  A convict with a thirst for revenge A sharpshooter who can’t walk away from a wager A runaway with a privileged past A spy known as the Wraith A Heartrender using her magic to survive the slums A thief with a gift for unlikely escapes Kaz’s crew is the only thing that might stand between the world and destruction—if they don’t kill each other first. "I would have you without your armor Kaz Brekker or not have you at all." I finished this series, and now I want to read it again and again for the first time ever. When I started this book, I wasn't imagining going through this amount of emotions. Especially in the last few chapters of Crooked Kingdom, my f

Interview of Ciara Fineman | Author of Life 2.0

SYNOPSIS:  A year ago, tragedy shattered Mazey’s life into pieces. Since then, she’s been scrambling to try to fit those pieces back together but keeps feeling like she’s missing something... until she moves back home and sees Phoenix again for the first time in a long time. With him, she feels like everything is okay, like she might be able to start healing. But how can she start healing when the past won’t stop haunting her? RELEASE DATE: 9th February 2021 ( Pre-ordering starts from 9th Jan. 2021) GENRE:   Contemporary Romance, New Adult Ciara Fineman’s debut novel “Life 2.0”, releasing February 9th, 2021, was an exciting and extremely informative journey, one that will pave the path for years to come! Hopefully, you’ll love all the parts and pieces of Ciara that she put into this book. Fortunately, I got to talk to Ciara and learn more about her and unique details about her writing process and behind-the-scenes of Life 2.0. Q. How did you get into writing? I originally got into writ

Casting Shadows | Review

RELEASE DATE: 12 January'21  AUTHOR: Dziyana Taylor SYNOPSIS:  F or two years, Rebecca Grimwood has been plagued by the same dream: an overturned ambulance vehicle, a long winding road, a motorcycle, and a man whose face she can’t make out. Dreams are just dreams, though, and she tries not to pay them much notice. Yet when a fortune teller tells Rebecca that her destiny involves a sacrifice, Rebecca seeks the answers she didn’t know she needed. To find them, she returns to the beginning: her old hometown of Harpers Ferry, West Virginia.   There’s always been something haunting about Harpers Ferry— maybe because it’s old Civil War ground or the fact that ever since arriving, Rebecca has started seeing things she can’t explain. Things lurking in the shadows, in the farthest corners of streets, their voices whispering. Things out to get her. But one night, when a man named Derek saves her from certain death, Rebecca can’t help but feel that some good can come from the shadows. Casting

Best Reads | 2020

The longest ever year of our lives still has a few more days till it ends. We all did stay inside for most of the time, and more time means more books. I've read new books and re-read the old ones. This year half of the books I've read were on Wattpad, and I'm not counting Wattpad books.  I am going for my top 5 books this year because if I go more than that, I'll feel bad for leaving some out, and I'll just consider them too, and well, then I'll just include every book I liked from this year. But  from re-reading the entire Shadowhunter series to discovering my new love for the Folk of The Air series, here are my top reads of the year! 1. Six of Crows,  Leigh Bardugo This book was in my December TBR, and I finished it last week only, and I absolutely loved it! I love criminal books, and I love heists even more. I've read around 3-4 books about a heist, and I honestly cannot get enough of this book. There were a few things I didn't particularly like ab